Residents Of Voronezh, Russia, Rescued A Pregnant Dog, Which Had Been Bricked Up For 2 Days.
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A stray dog named Belka became like a celebrity in the city of Voronezh, Russia. At the end of the summer the pavement near one of the buildings on the Rostovskaya street collapsed forming a large pit. It was the spot that Belka picked for her shelter.
On september 18 construction workers came to get rid of this pit. They quickly fixed this problem by putting new tiles over the pit. But the workers did not check the pit and immured Belka alive in there. For two days the poor animal was trapped in concrete without water and food.
On september 21 one of the families living in the building heard the muffled barking of the dog. It became clear that the workers bricked up the Belka closing up the hole. Residents contacted their local housing office, but they denied to help them to free the dog.
So residents of the building could rely only on themselves. And they started their own dog rescue operation. Animal rescue operation took no more than 10 minutes! Belka was released from her immurement under the tiles, she was alive but very exhausted.
The couple that rescued Belka reported later that the dog was taken to an animal shelter, workers of which were going to take care of her and find a family for her.
I would like to sincerely say thank you to people who have not gone past the hapless animal caught in a trap!
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