Did You Know That Dog’s Mood Is Extremely Changeable? These Funny Pics Prove That!
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Dogs like humans are very changeable! Today they enjoy the beginning of a new day, and tomorrow they can lie on the couch the whole day, looking sad and tired. Your pet can meet you after work happily wagging its tail, but an hour later it can be carried away by its new toy. Pets very often change the object of their attention, but they never stop to love us. One thing is clear: no matter how they behave they are always trying to attract our attention!
Dogs are able to smile. Their smiles make us happy!
Dogs can be sad. They do this when they feel guilty, empathize with the owner or just when they are in a bad mood themselves.
Dogs know how to have fun! The main sign of their happiness is the tongue hanging out!
Dogs love to bite something! Sometimes it’s very hard to stop them doing that.
Dogs love to yawn. Do you agree, that they do it in such a adorable and funny way.
Dogs often show their white smile.
Dogs can not live without treats. They get enormous pleasure from it!
How did your pet behave today?
Image sources: lady.mail.ru