This Man Found An Unusual Way To Help His Father, Suffering From Alzheimer’s Disease.
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Ted McDermott is a 80-year-old man from the UK. In his youth, Ted was a professionally singer, touring the country. After the wedding, Ted got a job in a factory, but did not stop being a musican, and in his spare time he sang to the audience.
Source: The Songaminute Man /
Ted had an excellent memory, he knew by heart so many songs that his fans called him The Songaminute Man.
As time went on, Ted’s health started to get worse. The man was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Ted tries to live a full life, but his memory problems are intensifying. Sometimes he can’t recognise his loved ones.
Mac, Ted’s son, is very worried about his father’s health. He came up with a very interesting way of helping his father deal with the memory loss. The son and the father sing together at home or in the car, listening to the radio.
Source: The Songaminute Man /
Today, as in his youth, singing still improves Ted’s mood, having a positive effect on his memory. It is interesting that the elderly man still remembers the words of his favorite songs!
Unfortunately, in recent years the number of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease is increasing. Medicine does not know yet a cure for this disease, but people like Ted can still have a life! They just need more attention and care coming from their families.
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